Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How To Live A Meaningful Life

How to live a meaningful life...This is a question That I feel the human race has been trying to answer since the beginning of time. Well, Look no further people. Even though it might sound arrogant I believe I have found the solution and the answer to that question.
The Answer is easy, All you have to do is strive for these six things in your life.

1. Adventure  - Have adventure in your life. I love to go on hikes and spend time in Gods creation. I think it's important that we get outside and enjoy the beautiful nature we live in.

2. Friends - Spend time with your friends. Having people in your life that you can have fun and goof off with is something that I believe in essential. I have found that some of the best times in my life are when I'm with my friends and we are just hanging out.

3. Be yourself - Don't let people and society taint your REAL self. Let it out, Show people your true self, Who cares if your different or weird. I take it as a compliment when people call me weird.

4. Be loving - Where I find the most joy in life is loving other people. Putting myself aside, loving and caring for other people is what makes me the most happy. Yes everybody loves being loved...I know I do. But instead take a turn being the person who loves other people.

5. Do what you enjoy - Find something that you love doing in life and just keep doing it. People in our society try to tell us that in our future we have to have a career that brings in the major bucks. I believe in doing something you love. Sometimes doing the thing you love won't make as much money as the next guy...But If its what you enjoy then I think its worth living a simpler life.

6. R.T.K - R.T.K. (Represent the king) This is my motto in life. I believe that the God of the bible created the universe and the people in it. I believe that God came to earth in the form of a man to be the sacrifice for all the things wrong that I have ever done and ever will do. I believe he Died on a cross and came back to life 3 days later so that I could trust in that work and have a relationship with him. R.T.K simply means that I Represent that. I am an ambassador for God.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Advertising is backwards

Today, advertising plays a very important role in our society. It is everywhere, wherever you go its shoved into your face. Sometimes it can be useful, however, most of the time advertising is just harmful and takes away from our individualism. Advertising is a huge distraction from the important facts. It tells you that you need to be a rich, young, good looking guy who drives and expensive car and owns a huge house. Something you'll never see an advertisement say is something like, “Work hard so that you can provided for your family and if your not living in a huge house with a sports car then your not providing for your family”. You normally see something like, “Here is the newest HD TV. If you buy this giant TV you will be happy and your family will like you better if you buy it”. Yeah thats great…Then you can sit on your fatt lazy rear end while your wife goes to work to put food on the table. Our society is Backwards. Advertising is turning us into brainless robots who do whatever we are told to do and buy whatever we are told to buy. We need to fight against this and start to turn our society around. We need a society that puts the man on a pedestal that works 9 to 5 just to be able to send his kids to school and to pay his rent. Thats the society we need.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Morning Stream

Morning Stream

The sunshine of a calm, warming morning seeps through the trees of a fog filled canopy.
The warmth of the sun breaks through the chill and hits the shaded jungle floor. You can feel the magic of the forrest coming to life as the sun rises. 

You can here noises, the noises of nature awakening. The sound of birds singing a morning song, The sound of the limbs cracking on the trees as they warm with the morning sun, but the most majestic sound is the sound of the stream. 

The magical, meekness of the morning stream is like the stillness of a sleeping baby. Yet the river is so meaningful and powerful. The water of the stream travels down the river seeking and finding the path around, through, and over the rocks. Just as we overcome the obstacles that we face as we travel down the path of life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Giver

Independence, Relinquish, Energetic, Gravitate, Meticulous

Independence - Jona Starts to realize that he can be independent and start doing things his own way

Relinquish - People in this community are relinquishing some great things like freedom and deciding for themselves, just to live in this "utopia" community.

Energetic - I think jona is an energetic person. He Is curious and rebellious and starts to understand he can do things differently

Gravitate - People in this community gravitate toward the person of the highest esteem

Meticulous - Every single person in this community is meticulous, They pay attention to every detail and keep watch over everything that goes on in the community.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

And so it begins. Whats up bloggers? My names Garrett and this is my first blog. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm a college student born and raised in Santa Rosa California. If you follow this blog your probably gonna hear a lot about sports especially basketball. I'v played basketball since I was 7 years old and am currently playing at S.R.J.C. Sometimes I like to think Im a country boy just cause I love listening to country music while I drive around town in my old, yellow, beat up jeep. I play guitar and sing and love leading worship for my church of about 500 people. Well thats a little bit about me. Im a country boy that plays guitar, sings, and every once in a while hits a half court buzzer beater.